Greek photographer!

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Yep, that’s me now – a wedding and family photographer in Greece. Athens, to be precise. We moved here for a few months and it’s been great so far! Head quarters still in London and I have weddings booked there, but oh, I wouldn’t mind to photograph some weddings here!

So far, I have some family shoots booked in Athens, can’t wait, the light here is just to die for. And apart from that – exploring, exploring and exploring. Athens is a wonderful city, full of surprises and the feel of adventure. We stay in the centre, in Exarchaia – it’s a punk, anarchist neighbourhood, quite contrasty – you have squats here where refugees live (sadly a few of them have been evicted a few days ago..), anarchist second-hand bookshops, but on the other hand – cool bars and cafes. Buildings are covered with graffiti and there’s a little hill just next door with a wonderful view of the whole Athens and the Acropolis.

We have half an hour drive to the beach and I definitely see it as a potential family shoot location! It is an adventure and as a photographer I feel very inspired by the light and the feeling of the place. Now – bring on the weddings! 🙂


south London family shoot


Buckinghamshire wedding